E146: Getting FMd in real life, Football Manager 2024 wonderkids and return of the Caribbean Cup [Live Epiosde]
Football Manager 2024 is in the wild, wonderkids are on the move and it turns out Shane's already got one or two on his bench.
While our Champions League journey got underway last week, we've got some league and League Cup action this week. While Shane's Man City side get a plum draw against Walsall, Ken's bringing Liverpool to London to take on Chelsea in the third round.
It turns out Shane's also getting FM'd in real life and we get an update from listeners on how their early FM24 saves are progressing.
Spoiler alert: This is definitely, absolutely, positively (and has been rectified post-recording) the FINAL Football Manager 2023 podcast. From next week out, everyone's on the FM24 boat.
Much love x
While our Champions League journey got underway last week, we've got some league and League Cup action this week. While Shane's Man City side get a plum draw against Walsall, Ken's bringing Liverpool to London to take on Chelsea in the third round.
It turns out Shane's also getting FM'd in real life and we get an update from listeners on how their early FM24 saves are progressing.
Spoiler alert: This is definitely, absolutely, positively (and has been rectified post-recording) the FINAL Football Manager 2023 podcast. From next week out, everyone's on the FM24 boat.
Much love x
Creators and Guests

Ken | #FMFShow
Football Manager content. Alter ego of @kenmcguire. Co-host weekly FM podcast @fmfshow. Writes about sport for a living. Currently: Kilkenny City, Benfica #FM23

Shane O'Keeffe
I get to do fun things. Proud founding member of Dicemen Productions and KCLR Sport presenter/producer amongst other things
![E146: Getting FMd in real life, Football Manager 2024 wonderkids and return of the Caribbean Cup [Live Epiosde]](https://img.transistor.fm/fVUhRUvy8g5T5auZXBTVxHKxExnSjnN5sb63l1Cem_M/rs:fill:800:800:1/q:60/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWct/dXBsb2FkLXByb2R1/Y3Rpb24udHJhbnNp/c3Rvci5mbS9zaG93/LzE3ODk0LzE2MzY3/MjkyMDctYXJ0d29y/ay5qcGc.webp)