E147: It's finally happened - we've upgrade to Football Manager 2024 [Live Episode]
While Ken's got a month of Football Manager 2024 under his belt, Shane's finally ponied up and bought his upgrade. Farewell Football Manager 2023, you were class, but we're all in on FM24.
Not only that, but thanks to one of the best features to hit Football Manager in its history, you can finally port games from the previous year's version into this version meaning our Football Manager 2023 universe is making the leap into 2024 and now we've to figure out what - if anything - has changed as we plug our FM23 straight into FM24.
We've got more Premier League action and the next round of Champions League football and all is not as rosy as it seems.
While Ken's got a month of Football Manager 2024 under his belt, Shane's finally ponied up and bought his upgrade. Farewell Football Manager 2023, you were class, but we're all in on FM24.
Not only that, but thanks to one of the best features to hit Football Manager in its history, you can finally port games from the previous year's version into this version meaning our Football Manager 2023 universe is making the leap into 2024 and now we've to figure out what - if anything - has changed as we plug our FM23 straight into FM24.
We've got more Premier League action and the next round of Champions League football and all is not as rosy as it seems.
Creators and Guests

Ken | #FMFShow
Football Manager content. Alter ego of @kenmcguire. Co-host weekly FM podcast @fmfshow. Writes about sport for a living. Currently: Kilkenny City, Benfica #FM23

Shane O'Keeffe
I get to do fun things. Proud founding member of Dicemen Productions and KCLR Sport presenter/producer amongst other things
![E147: It's finally happened - we've upgrade to Football Manager 2024 [Live Episode]](https://img.transistor.fm/fVUhRUvy8g5T5auZXBTVxHKxExnSjnN5sb63l1Cem_M/rs:fill:800:800:1/q:60/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWct/dXBsb2FkLXByb2R1/Y3Rpb24udHJhbnNp/c3Rvci5mbS9zaG93/LzE3ODk0LzE2MzY3/MjkyMDctYXJ0d29y/ay5qcGc.webp)